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Empowering Voters.
Defending Democracy.


Membership Options


New members are invited to join on a "pay as you can" basis (with a minimum of $20).

All Members will now be Individual members.

If you were previously a Household member and paid dues for two or more members in your home, we ask you to consider making the same dues payment ($100) as an Individual member.

If you have questions about Membership, please contact Susan Mack at 973-202-7153 or

2025-Membership Dues graphic



LWV Montclair Area receives $15

LWV New Jersey receives $35.25

LWV Unites States receives $24.75

Anyone who would like to make an additional donation to our League, is asked to make a separate donation payment through the link above.


100% of Donation dollars go to local Leagues and their programs. 20% of Dues dollars go to local Leagues, with the balance going to the State and National LWV.

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