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Empowering Voters.
Defending Democracy.

HomeLWV Committees

Committees of the League of Women Voters of the Montclair Area

● Centennial 

Plan events and activities celebrating the 100th Anniversary of the founding of the League of Women Voters and the LWV Montclair Area, and also the 100th Anniversary of women’s suffrage in the United States.

● Communications Committee

Provide information  to various media outlets to educate the public on voter issues.

● Community Event Liaisons 

Coordinate and respond to requests from outside organizations for participation in virtual and live events;  create events that align with the mission of the League; and coordinate the monthly League meetings.  

● Community Issues Committee 

Initiate discussion on a current  issue for members to investigate and study, and possibly take a position on, such as the referendum to move the Montclair municipal election to November. This is an ad hoc committee that acts as issues arise.

● Education Committee 

Stay abreast of issues that come before the Montclair Board of Education. Create interactive forums, seminars, and Q&A meet-and-greet opportunities with community stakeholders to review social, emotional, academic, and environmental issues and challenges that may affect children’s lives and their ability to learn.

● Environment 

Raise awareness about local, state, and national environmental issues and propose actions residents can take at the local level to address these issues.

● Membership Committee 

Recruit and engage new members.  

● Voter Registration 

Register as many voters as possible, especially youth and those in underrepresented communities. Work with other Essex County leagues and volunteers, to create a framework of town teams in each community to act as resources for voter registrations. Establish partnerships with other community organizations to work in concert on this issue.

● Voter Services Committee 

Focus on voter education and engagement by participating with various organizations, as invited, to present information to educate the public on voter issues. Create educational material, such as videos and flyers, for wide distribution to the public.

● Youth Voter Education 

Reach out to high school and college students with the goals of: exploring reasons why students don’t vote; educating students on the importance of being an informed and active voter; and engaging students in the voter registration process.